A Message to the CHITREC Community Regarding Our COVID-19 Actions

Web-side Manner: Improving Care through Telehealth and Virtual Physical Exam Tips

So, you started to offer video visits…what’s next?

For practices that have invested in telemedicine, CHITREC would like to offer you tips on “Web-side manner” to help improve that patient connection and communication, even when care is delivered remotely. Join our host, Dr. Matthew Sakumoto, to learn:

- Pre-visit strategies to smoothly onboard patients to their first virtual visit
- New virtual physical exam maneuvers
- Best practices for patient communication over video

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Chicago Health IT Regional Extension Center

625 N. Michigan Ave., 15th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 855-684-3571

Fax: 312-503-5775

Email: info@chitrec.org

© 2021 Northwestern University. Read our Terms of Use.
CHITREC is part of the Center for Health Information Partnerships (CHIP) in the Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.