A Message to the CHITREC Community Regarding Our COVID-19 Actions

Telehealth in Action - Part 1: Vendor Solutions and Product Assessment

With CMS leading the way through emergency rulemaking, the rapid expansion of telehealth has emerged as one of the most significant changes to the healthcare delivery model during the COVID-19 pandemic. CMS Administrator Seema Verma’s recent remarks that “the genie’s out of the bottle [and] there’s absolutely no going back” reflect a growing consensus that this trend will continue beyond the public health emergency.

As a result of growing demand for telehealth, the service vendor landscape has become increasingly crowded. This webinar will review different categories of telehealth software, a variety of popular and well-reviewed vendors, and a framework for assessing which option might be right for your needs.

Background research and educational content is provided by our partners at Second Opinions, a group of Northwestern University medical students with a diverse set of experiences from clinical wards, corporate boardrooms, start-up companies, and public health initiatives.

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Chicago Health IT Regional Extension Center

625 N. Michigan Ave., 15th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 855-684-3571

Fax: 312-503-5775

Email: info@chitrec.org

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CHITREC is part of the Center for Health Information Partnerships (CHIP) in the Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.