A Message to the CHITREC Community Regarding Our COVID-19 Actions

Calculating Medicaid Patient Encounter Volume: A 2021 Guide to Pre-Approving Eligibility

Medicaid Promoting Interoperability (PI) Program participants are required to demonstrate eligibility through a 30% Medicaid patient encounter volume. While many providers and practices are well above this threshold, collecting the data to prove it can be challenging. Attestations will be rejected if encounter information fails to match state claims records, leading to delays in receipt of incentives.

Join us for this webinar to learn a step-by-step process for:
- Generating a billing report with the right information;
- Calculating encounter types correctly; and
- Submitting results to program adjudicators for pre-approval before attestation.

Register Now

Chicago Health IT Regional Extension Center

625 N. Michigan Ave., 15th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 855-684-3571

Fax: 312-503-5775

Email: info@chitrec.org

© 2021 Northwestern University. Read our Terms of Use.
CHITREC is part of the Center for Health Information Partnerships (CHIP) in the Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.